Dr. Suess

A cat in a hat and a Horton hears a who, Dr. Suess at Harbour Village is the place for you! Stop on in for some whimsical and fun activities!

Memorial Day / Armed Forces

Help us kick off the opening of the water park while honoring our veterans! Tons of fun outdoor activities to enjoy the summer weather such as FREE-to-ENTER Craft/Rummage/Bake Sale, and THE COUGARS band!

Sports Weekend

A weekend full of competitive sports, 3 on 3 basketball, flag football, shuffleboard, and many others! make your own Fan Shirts of your Favorite Team, lots of activities!

Carnival Glow

Natures Niche is back. Come ready for some Carnival Fun as we have a Glow in the dark themed Carnival weekend, with games, prizes, face painting and more!